Setedit-Cygwin_install-HOWTO for setedit-Win32-Cygwin-0_4_54 (unstable) INTRODUCTION This is just a kind of log of activities I did to get a running version of Setedit under my installation of Cygwin. So, if you find it useful for your own needs - that's great! The original home page for Setedit is: BACKGROUND Right now (as of May 2002), there are two ready to use versions of Setedit: one is for DJGPP/DOS and second is for GNU/Linux. For Cygwin there is only an executable of Setedit without any accompanying files. Since Cygwin is a quite fine port of GNU tools onto the Win32 platform, I suggest to start with Linux version of Setedit. Then just merge most of its files with Cygwin installation and put the mentioned executable into Cygwin's /usr/bin. DOWNLOAD First of all, you need two things. Linux version of Setedit: Cygwin executable of Setedit: Eventually, it's possible to use executable produced by free BC++ 5.5 compiler. It may work fine for you, but we are concerned here with running a Cygwin version of Setedit, right? :-) HOW TO DO IT The idea is to use uncompressed version from home directory and to merge most of files from there with current installation of Cygwin. And now step by step instructions. STEP 1. Put the 'setedit-0.4.54.bin.i386.elf.static.linux.tar.gz' and '' files in home directory. Then execute the following command: $ tar -xzf setedit-0.4.54.bin.i386.elf.static.linux.tar.gz This in an effect should create a subdirectory 'setedit-0.4.54'. STEP 2. Merge (install) the Setedit files by executing following commands: $ cd setedit-0.4.54 $ ./INSTALL.LINUX This will install Setedit as it would under GNU/Linux. But for Cygwin it's not yet useful! Proceed to STEP 3 to complete installation. Note 1: The above worked for me well. If you want to check what will be done, or to have a detailed log of the actions undertaken by the INSTALL.LINUX script, you may try one of the following: * just print the commands, but don't execute them: $ ./INSTALL.LINUX -n * install Setedit also creating an installation log: ./INSTALL.LINUX | tee ~/setedit-install.log Note 2: All the files which should go to the Cygwin's /usr/bin directory are really placed in the /bin dir (easily seen in e.g. Windows Explorer), and /usr/bin stays empty all the time -- for some reason, which only people at Cygnus know. Anyway, I can live with it. STEP 3. Now one of the most important things - extract and copy Setedit for Cygwin executable instead of Linux version: $ rm /usr/bin/setedit $ unzip $ mv seteditW32.exe /usr/bin/setedit.exe STEP 4. Finally - polishing the Setedit installation. If you installed 'texinfo' under Cygwin, it will not read gzipped info files by default. It's possible to mess a little with configuration of info itself, but easier way is to gunzip Setedit info files by hand: $ gunzip /usr/info/ $ gunzip /usr/info/ $ gunzip /usr/info/ Almost the same stands for man page for Setedit, but this time man *do* reads the gzipped man pages by default. Anyway, for completness, man page may be also gunzipped (note this is not necessary): $ gunzip /usr/man/man1/setedit.1.gz If you didn't install XFree86 under Cygwin (which I didn't) or do not intend to use 'eterm' (which I don't), then you may freely remove the following directory: $ rm -rf /usr/share/setedit/eterm FINAL WORDS The above procedure should give you a working installation of Setedit under Cygwin. But 'working' and 'well-working' are not (yet) the same. Please test it and post your comments to the mailing list: or to the autor, Salvador E. Tropea, e-mail: Have fun with Setedit/Cygwin! Wiktor Wandachowicz, e-mail: